Thammasat University’s Pattaya Campus reveals plans to support the EEC

EEC-Thammasat University

The Pattaya Campus of Thammasat University has unveiled plans to fully streamline its offerings to be beneficial for the future of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)

One important aspect is the targeting of training courses with specific industries in mind. Four year engineering and other courses at the Pattaya campus will now be shortened to two years of hands-on activity with an additional year to be taken at an internationally recognized partner university. A further term will be offered as an internship with local businesses. In particular focus are courses that pertain to future automobile and engine manufacturing.

Another aim is to arm students with community skills, hospitality skills and language skills so that they can be ready to work in companies that have set up in the EEC.

Assoc. Prof. Pornchai Tarkulwaranont, Vice Rector for Administration at Thammasat University, was quoted as saying,  “Thammasat University’s Liberal Arts Faculty is expert in North East Asia languages, including: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The university will develop teaching of these languages to the next level. The languages will be taught in support of the development of human resources in preparation for the future growth of the EEC. Thus, the programrecognizes that languages are vital tools for communication within industry as well as for management and administration.”

Thammasat University will also look to increase its partnerships with international universities so that the plans can be coordinated effectively. Instrumental to thelong-term goals, the university will create a unique operations complex that will encompass an engineering research center within the Pattaya campus.

With Thammasat University’s students eventually becoming a major contributor to the work force in the EEC, the combined aim is to provide balanced support to the industrial sector without neglecting environmental, health and other issues.

Courses on offer will include science and technology, nature and conservation, social science and humanities, and health science, all of which will combine to benefit society as a whole in the long run.

Assoc. Prof. Pornchai Tarkulwaranont was also quoted as saying, “Nowadays, educational institutes have a major concern in how to incorporate knowledge and develop human resources in accordance with the Eastern Economic Corridor Policy. In so doing, we will promote The Eastern Seaboard Development Program’s success. It will be a good example of developing academic infrastructure and land together with knowledge to promote industrial growth. Thammasat University is all set to enhance the delivery of education to a higher level, including conducting research and innovating. Thus, Thammasat students will learn by practicing how to efficiently and effectively solve problems.”