AG Service for all your Insurance needs and unbeatable Worldwide Transfer costs


World Transfer is well known as the first option for transferring money easily to and from Thailand at the best possible exchange rates and providing all the necessary documents required by law, but its holding company also operates Asia Guarantee service (AG), which offers a range of hard to beat comprehensive insurance policies for anything from personal accident to health, car, boat and property insurance.

The benefit of using AG is that it provides a first class service with regard to insurance provision so now you don’t need to search out dozens of different insurance companies to get the best quote and the best cover. If you are doing it yourself, the process can be further complicated by the fact that there is a diversity of different insurance coverage levels and clauses that canmake decision-making difficult. AG will do it all for you using their huge database of insurance options to give you the best fit and the best deal.

In addition they don’t just sell insurance and leave it at that. In the case of a claim they are your single point of contact with the insurer, ensuring that your interests are always preserved.

As an example of some of the insurance types that AG can secure for you easily and efficiently, personal accident insurance is an often overlooked but is a must have all the same.

Coverage includes motorcycle accidents even if you are a passenger of a motorcycle taxi. Other accidents that can occur on Thailand’s roads are wide ranging but even as a pedestrian you can find yourself involved in an accident if you don’t look out for both yourself and the potentially unanticipated actions of other road users. Personal accidents are not only about road accidents. They can be something as simple as spraining your ankle on a loose tile or being involved in an accident whilst in a shopping centre or in a restaurant for example.

Whilst usually a rare occurrence, a personal accident incident canpotentially be life-changing. The rarity element is reflected in the insurance premiums, which are typically very low.

Other insurances that AG can arrange effortlessly are the compulsory health insurances for obtaining long stay A& O visas. For those aged between 51 and 60 years old compulsory health insurance from one of the required providers can be secured for as little as 30,000 – 59,000 baht depending on age. For older retirees, competitive rates are available too, and for general health insurance for all age groups, coverage that goes up to 65 million baht can be arranged.

Comprehensive travel insurance is amongst the other policies that can be secured with AG, along with vehicle driver’s insurance for motorbikes, cars and boats.

Home insurance for tenants, and owners alike can be tailored to your needs. This can cover anything related to the building including fire and flooding as well as other damage whilst the property is left empty.

AG Service are now the exclusive agents for all of Thailand for the first major comprehensive sports insurance policy in the country for training, playing, tournament and worldwide coverage.

Full details on this policy in the next edition of the Business Supplement.

Furthermore, professional and business insurance can be sought for business owners, landlords, restaurant and bar operators and shop owners.

With World Transfer and also AG’s Insurance services, you can now get your foreign exchange and insurance needs all under one roof.

For more information about World Transfer, please visit

For more information about insurance services, please visit