94% of people


Did You Know . . .

  • People are three times more likely to delete/discard an email over a paper statement.
  • 94% of people talk about what they have read in magazines and newspapers.
  • Print readers are more likely to influence decision making in their household for travel, home décor/interiors, etc.
  • Your brand is twice as likely to be remembered when you used printed marketing materials. 
  • One in two print readers say that people take their opinions seriously.
  • 77% of millennials pay attention to direct mail advertising. 
  • Millennials like to hold print in their hands, read it, smell it, use it to link to a video or coupon, save it, take it to the store with them and share it with friends.
  • The Thailand Business Supplement – both the Pattaya and Bangkok editions – enhance these facts through unrivalled circulation and distribution to get your message to a far greater percentage of potential customers.