Fitness & You


You’re ready to get fit, but the sticker prices on fitness equipment have you reeling.

We won’t lie. Exercise equipment can be pricey, so even if you are trying to save money on a gym membership by working out a home, you can often feel like you only end up breaking even.

The solution here? Buying used. There is a huge market for used and refurbished exercise equipment, from  free weights to treadmills to elliptical machines at great prices.

But do you know what you’re looking for? How do you know if you’re getting a good deal? Where do you start?

Hang on, because we have the tips you need before you buy.

  1. Evaluate Your Fitness Needs

Every new workout seems to be the new “best” thing. Somehow, if you aren’t participating in the latest Chakra-Rock Hard-Flex Z40 Xtreme, you are destined to fitness goal failure.

The reality is that fitness is a personal journey. No workout is right for every person or every goal set. So take a look at what you like to do, and what you want to accomplish.

What Do You Like?

If you love to run but hate weights, take a look at the top treadmills and start there.

If you hate running, you don’t need to feel the pressure to run a marathon. Invest in a solid set of weights or an elliptical.

The goal here is to understand that just because your friend has had impressive results from his spin class doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

Don’t feel pressured to buy a specific piece of equipment just because its the one everyone is currently buying.

What Are Your Goals?

Different goals call for different equipment needs. If you are already an athlete, looking to improve conditioning and endurance, you’ll need various fitness equipment than someone looking to drop 150 pounds.

Take into account your current fitness level, your goal level, and any physical impairments or limitations you might have. If you do have significant limitations, talk to your doctor or physical therapist about what type of equipment is best for you.

  1. Take Stock of Your Space

Space restrictions are going to be a big indicator of what you can and cannot bring into your home.

For small spaces, weights, resistance bands, and mats may be all you have room for. And you can get an amazing workout with just those things!

But if you have the room, a stationary bike or one-piece total gym machine can be a great addition to your fitness space as well.

It’s important here to measure, remeasure, and then measure again.

  1. Research the Price

So this is a tricky one.

When you buy fitness equipment new, the price will stay pretty standard across vendors. A certain brand treadmill at one store will be around the same price as that same treadmill anywhere else.

But when you get into used equipment, there is no such price standardization.

So how do you know you’re getting a reasonable price?

First, be realistic about your budget.

Then, start to research. Check the value of the equipment new, the take a look at used prices on the internet.

Yes, it’s a process. We know you want to get to your fat-burning.

But if you want to get the best deal, it’s necessary.

Also keep in mind that you may be able to recoup your price later, at least in part, by reselling what you buy.

  1. Don’t Buy New-to-You Fitness Equipment

“But wait! Isn’t that the point of buying used fitness equipment??”

Here, we don’t mean “new-to-you” as in “used”.

Rather, don’t buy fitness equipment you aren’t familiar with.

If you’ve never used a treadmill before, don’t try and pick one out blind.

Make sure that any equipment you are bringing into your house is something you’ve used before and you know you enjoy using and will actually use.

This goes back to point number one. If you buy equipment you’ve never used, just because you think you may like it, you risk throwing away your money.

How many houses have you been to that have some large fitness equipment shoved into a corner of the garage?

Don’t be that guy. Make sure anything you buy is something you know will get used.

  1. Don’t Buy Sight Unseen

This should go without saying, but don’t agree to buy something you’ve never looked at.

A seller can make all kinds of claims about the condition of a piece of equipment, only to have you pick up and realize you’ve been duped.

Before you commit to buy, take a look at the machine itself. Make sure you look at the following:

  • Belts showing excessive wear
  • Make sure all the buttons work
  • Ensure all pieces are accounted for
  • Check for excess dirt that may indicate a long stint in a dusty corner
  • Rust on metal components or fraying wires around electrical ones

Ask to try out the equipment, as well. It may feel silly to go through a spin routine in front of a stranger, but you want to be sure the machine will serve its function when you get it home.

Buy Used Fitness Equipment and Start Your Journey Today!

Buying used fitness equipment makes sense, especially if you aren’t quite ready to jump into a huge fitness commitment yet.

Used fitness equipment can help you meet those goals without breaking the bank.