Thai bourse matches financial opportunities for SMEs


Thai bourse matches financial opportunities for SMEs

The Stock Exchange of Thailand’s (SET) Thai Capital Market Center continues to assist business owners meet prospective business partners and funding sources by holding a “Innobiz Matching Day” for small- and medium-enterprises, enabling them to present projects and plans to venture capitalists.

The event is joined by the Thai Venture Capital Association (TVCA) and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). This year, six entrepreneurs passed the selection process, and need a total THB1.24 billion. (USD40 million).
SET Executive Vice President Bordin Unakul said that the event was line with the key mission of the Stock Exchange of Thailand of promoting and matching entrepreneurs with the right funding sources, and arranging meetings between entrepreneurs and potential Investor, such as Venture capital fund, financial institutions, to build business opportunities and utilize the capital market efficiently.

“A great number of SMEs create attractive projects, especially SMEs getting NSTDA support, but they are unable to access funding sources to grow. Venture capitalists should be a good funding source and be a business partner for them to help strengthen the company in terms of capital, management, structure, and providing good advice, enabling the company to reach targets successfully. Also, when any business needs large amounts of funds for expansion, SET and the Market for Alternative Investment (mai) are ready to help support their sustainable growth,” Bordin said.

This year’s Innobiz Matching Day gained cooperation from NSTDA, TVCA and SMEs needing funding. The SMEs received advice from SET, NSTDA, and TVCA on Business plan and presentation techniques.

SET and its partners will continue its Innobiz Matching and prepare SMEs for it, including helping them present their business plans. Also, Angel Investors (individual investors) will be considered as business partners for SMEs. For more information, please visit

SET Group: “Matching Your Right Financial Opportunities”

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