36.9 C
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Time for a little AEC realism, part 2

Time for a little AEC realism, part 2 Last issue we covered a few of the general concerns of those on the outside looking in...

Shabushi Never Stop Eating! Shabu Lympic 2013 is back!

Shabushi' Never Stop Eating! "Shabu Lympic 2013" is back! More than 700,000 Baht in prizes http://www.thailand4.com/.biz/2013-07-05/eaa0a8b42e6a102371ecd94cbcb48791/ Business Press Releases Friday July 5, 2013 Bangkok--5 Jul--PolyPlus PR Shabushi by OISHI...

Local Infrastructure – Some Qualms & Some Praise

Local Infrastructure – Some Qualms & Some Praise Some may remember about six years or so ago when the city decided to cut down all...

Innovation and value adding required for economic survival

Innovation and value adding required for economic survival The coming of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) regional economic bloc at the end of 2015 means...

Ekkamai BTS and surrounds

Ekkamai BTS and surrounds As noted in the last issue, we intend to try and work our way through the various BTS or Skytrain stations,...

Thai-Myanmar border crossing pints set to be increased

Thai-Myanmar border crossing pints set to be increased The 22nd ASEAN Summit took place in the Brunei capital Bandar Seri Begawan in early May and...

Seven-year infrastructure plan centres on roads and rail

Seven-year infrastructure plan centres on roads and rail The controversial plan by the current government to borrow up to two trillion baht over the next...

Job dissatisfaction at a high level claims survey

Job dissatisfaction at a high level claims survey A survey of more than 4,500 employees by the local branch of the international company Jobstreet.com found...

History and the AEC

History and the AEC Recently a couple of Thai university lecturers created headlines when they controversially suggested the current biased views of Thais towards their...

Get your stomach filled in Bangkok

Get your stomach filled in Bangkok Residents of Pattaya usually have a brace of restaurants they will visit over the course of a year, but...

Pattaya Weather

scattered clouds
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