Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems comprise the total process of collecting information on the occurrence and characteristics of vital events such as birth, death, cause of death, marriage, divorce, and adoption. It provides individuals with the official recognition and documentation necessary to establish legal identity, family relationships and civil status.

Registration of Birth

A birth occurring in Thailand is legally recognized under Thai Law only if it has been duly registered at the District Office.   If one of the parents is a foreign national, it is advisable to facilitate the registration of birth of the child to their respective embassy. Their embassy will then issue a Consular Report of Birth Abroad or a Birth Certificate.

The father. the mother, or the assignee must notify the registrar of the birth district or of a district convenient to the place of birth within 15 to 30 days of the birth.

Notification of Death

Any death that occurred in Thailand must be reported to the Police or District Office within 24 hours.

If a foreigner dies in an apartment or a hotel, the landlord or the hotel manager must report the death. The District Office or the Police will, within 7 days, inform the foreigner’s embassy about the death. Therefore, the embassy will notify the next of kin as soon as possible.

If a person dies in a hospital, the doctor issues a Death Certificate and the Police then files a report.  The release of the body to the family will take about 2 to 3 days if the cause of death is without any complications.  Otherwise, there shall be a delay in the release of the body if the cause of death is suspicious or there is a suspicion of a criminal act. Upon the confirmation of the death, the District Office will then issue the Civil Death Certificate.

Marriage Registration

Marriage registration in Thailand can be done in any DistrictOffice within the country.  Foreigners start with affirmations from their respective embassies in Thailand. Their embassy must confirm their citizenship and the absence of any legal impediments to their getting married.  The completed declaration documents need Thai translations by an approved translation office and legalized by the Legalization Division, Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok.Once registered, the marriage will be legal according to Thai Law and recognized throughout the world.

Supporting Documents:

  1. Valid citizen ID cards of both applicants
  2. The host’s copy of the house registration book
  3. 2 witnesses with citizen ID cards
  4. Birth certificate(s) or house registration book(s) of offspring (if any)
  5. Proof of divorce registration in case either applicant has a previous registered marriage
  6. Consent of both parents given in person if applicant is a minor

Divorce Registration

If the marriage registration took place in Thailand, you can obtain an uncontested divorce in Thailand.  You must appear in person at the registration office, or at the embassy or consulate where you registered marriage.

Supporting documents:

  1. Valid citizen ID cards of both applicants
  2. The host’s copy of the house registration book, both copies of the marriage certificate, personal name change certificate (if any)
  3. 2 witnesses with citizen ID cards
  4. Divorce Agreement
  5. Birth certificate(s) or house registration book(s) of offspring (if any)
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