Snow White Show


After the success of Cinderella and Aladdin, Bangkok Community Theatre (BCT) is bringing back British pantomime to Bangkok this festive season! Get ready for a big carnival on stage!

The first thing to point out to all non-Brit from around the world is that British pantomime has nothing to do with mime. It is a chaotic and anarchic mix of fun, song, dance, bad jokes and corny acting. The story line, if we can generously grace it with such a description, usually revolves around a famous fairy story.

After the recent success of its previous British style pantomimes Cinderella and Aladdin, BCT will this year present the story of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” will bring on stage the usual panto chaos, audience participation, music, ghosts, fairies and cross dressing, including the traditional panto dame.

The show will be performed in English and will offer fun-filled entertainment for the whole family.

As all BCT’s shows, cast is multinational with actors and singers coming from different places around the world.

Surplus of the show’s income will be donated to ​Operation Smile​, a particularly worthy cause.


Snow White

Directed by: Ian Robinson; Produced by: John Wright

Creative Industries at M-Theatre, Phetchburi Road, Bangkok

Friday, Saturday and Sunday 30 November, 1, 2 and 7-9 December, 2018

Tickets: evening show 900THB; matinee 650THB child / 900THB adult.

For booking and more info visit:


*For PR queries/ photos/ interview with director or cast, please contact Ravit [email protected]​ 087-8016182