High Tower launches full-colour Business Cards Service


High Tower launches full-colour Business Cards Service

While websites and a social media presence are undoubtedly important for almost any business in the modern era, the reality is that most business is still conducted face-to-face. In this context, the business card remains as a potentially key element in terms of marketing for anyone serious about running a topline operation.

Apart from the impressions you make as the representative of your business, your business card is one of the most valuable reminders you can leave with any prospective business partner or customer. This is why it is very important to choose the right business card printing service to create the kind of business card which can leave the impression that you want on a potential client or partner.

High Tower, the company which already produces the ever-popular Enjoy Cards, as well as professional brochures, pamphlets and other business-related marketing tools, has now launched its own full-colour business card service.

In the modern era the old black-and-white business card really doesn’t leave the sort of impression a genuinely forward-thinking company should want impart. They just don’t have the same impact as a full-colour card.

This does not mean you have to fill a card so that it looks like an Impressionist painting gone wrong. Oftentimes it is wise to design what may look to be, at first glance, a fairly plain business card. What is extremely important to remember is that the emphasis on your business card should be to outline what you do, rather than go for a splashy and space-filling company name. Don’t clutter your card with industry-specific information, rather use simple language about the products and services you provide so anyone off the street will understand just what kind of business you are engaged in.

A business card in glorious colour shows that you understand the importance of first impressions, that you are clearly prepared to spend that little bit extra money to create that impression, and you are therefore serious about promoting and marketing your wares in an effective manner.

There really isn’t a lot of point in compensating quality for price. A potential business partner or customer will never be impressed, even subliminally, by a poorly-designed and produced business card. In fact, your business card should be the kind of item which elicits an appreciative comment all by itself.

The High Tower full-colour business card service is aimed at identifying the most suitable elements to be incorporated on your business card, with an especially rigorous look at the kinds of fonts which will make the end product stand out from the crowd.

High Tower aims to produce good quality, but very affordable, full-colour business cards and if you’d like to find out more about their service then simply contact Ben at 0846 77 43 60 or call (038) 716 062.