Dr Sunil is Dental Clinic puts the fun into tooth care


Dr Sunil’s Dental Clinic puts the fun into tooth care

There aren’t too many people who look forward to a visit to the dentist, and there are plenty who put off dental care until the last possible moment simply out of fear. Given the incredible advances in dental care over the past couple of decades, the reality is that going to a good quality dentist for a regular check-up should be part of everyone’s routine. Nonetheless, finding the ‘good quality dentist’ and the right dental clinic to suit your personality can be a little difficult.

If you are one of those who delays going to a dentist, for whatever reasons, then perhaps you should think about giving the Dr Sunil International Dental Clinic in Bangkok a try.

Dr Sunil and his team of 25 well-trained dentists are committed to their craft, and Dr Sunil, the founder, has been engaged in producing excellent dental outcomes for his patients for over 20 years.

During this period, Dr Sunil and his clinic have built up a large following from extremely satisfied patients. These patients return time and again, and, naturally, pass on their good experience to friends and acquaintances alike. These word-of-mouth referrals in turn become long-term patients of the Dr Sunil Clinic.

A quick search of the internet unearthed a plethora of recommendations from a virtual global audience: people who had received treatment after visiting Dr Sunil’s Dental Center from Australia, South Africa, India, the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Many of the reviews stretched back to 2006, but a lot have been posted over the last couple of years, indicating the service and standards have not only been well maintained, but appear, in many cases, to have been further enhanced.

One commentator suggested the clinic looked more like ‘a posh hotel than a dental clinic.’ Another was impressed by the way his five-year-old was put at ease. Still others noted how they were ‘terrified of the dentist’, yet Dr Sunil and his staff put them at their ease and, as many of the 115 or so reviewers stated, the treatments were ‘painless.’ And painless is a big deal when it comes to going to a dentist.

Even a quick search of Trip Advisor turned up a strong positive comment, and one that would also resonate with a lot of people in Thailand: there were no added, unexpected charges and the price quoted for the work, was the price the customer paid.

When he opened his Dental Clinic, Dr Sunil introduced one of the smartest marketing moves to the benefit of his patients: a free pick-up and drop-off service. And not just any old pick-up and drop-off, Dr Sunil’s courteous drivers will arrive in a limo, so it’s first-class service from your home or hotel to the clinic and back again. Amazingly, Dr Sunil offers this free pick-up and drop-off service to not just those in Bangkok, but also anyone in Pattaya who wants to try his clinic.

Naturally, running a service of that level you might assume the prices Dr Sunil charges are going to be over those of a comparable clinic. That’s not the case at all. The clinic’s pricing structure is available for anyone to check against what they might expect to pay elsewhere, and Dr Sunil often runs specials to attract new clients. His business philosophy is simple enough: the time-honoured ‘keep the customer satisfied’.

With such a healthy and thriving business, it’s no surprise Dr Sunil is always busy, even with 25 dentists on hand. On every visit to Dr Sunil’s Dental Clinic patients can enjoy the ambience and first-class service, along with a friendly staff and the knowledge that you are in good hands.

To contact the Dr Sunil Dental Clinic, their office address is: Sukhumvit Soi 71, Soi Predee Panomyong 14, Building No. 5, Mooban Pakamas, Bangkok, Thailand (BTS Prakhanong Station). Visit the website: www.drsunildental.com ; email: [email protected] ; or telephone: +66-81-6485780 or +66-2-3146238.