Are you getting enough sleep?



Are you getting enough sleep?

Some people need eight hours. Others can exist on four. But the bottom line is that everybody needs sleep and is as essential as breathing and eating. Sleep fine tunes our brains; our body also takes this opportunity to carry out important tasks like cell repair, memory development and general rejuvenation of the body and mind for the next day.

Most of us experience trouble sleeping at one time or another. This is actually normal and usually only temporary, due to stress or other outside factors. However, if sleep problems are a regular occurrence and interfere with your daily life then you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders cause more than just tiredness, as lack of quality sleep can greatly affect your emotional balance, energy levels and all round health. If you’re experiencing sleeping problems, find out the symptoms of common sleep disorders, what you can do to help yourself and when to see a doctor.

We all experience occasional sleeping problems, but how can you tell whether your sleeping problem is just minor or a sign of a more serious sleep disorder or underlying medical condition. For a start it’s not normal to feel sleepy during the day, have problems getting to sleep at night, or to wake up feeling exhausted. If you have one or more of the following symptoms on a regular basis, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder.

  • Feel sleepy and irritable during the day?

  • Fall asleep or feel very tired while driving?

  • Difficulty in concentrating?

  • Often told by others that you look tired?

  • Trouble controlling your emotions?

  • Require caffeinated drinks to keep yourself going throughout the day?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you may have a sleep disorder!

Probably the most commonly heard type of sleep disorder is insomnia, the inability to get the proper amount of sleep required to wake up feeling rested and refreshed. Insomnia is often a symptom of another problem, such as stress, anxiety, depression, or an underlying health condition. It can also be caused by your lifestyle, including the medications you take, lack of exercise and even the amount of caffeine you drink.

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder where your breathing temporally stops during sleep due to blockage of the upper airways. These pauses in breathing interrupt your sleep, causing you to wake many times each hour. Unfortunately most people with sleep apnea don’t remember these awakenings and as a result they may feel exhausted during the day, irritable and depressed. Sleep apnea is a potentially life – threatening sleep disorder. If you suspect that you might have sleep apnea, it’s important that you see a doctor right away.

If you would like more information or would like to make an appointment to see a doctor on sleep disorders then contact Phyathai Sriracha Hospital on International direct line number: 087 – 1000990 or contact by email: [email protected]