COVID-19 Handbook Available in 14 Languages including Thai


Food and Healthcare Press Releases Monday March 30, 2020 14:24


Bangkok–30 Mar–124 Communications Consulting

The COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Handbook supported by the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation is now available in Thai.

Written by doctors from First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine who were on the frontline of the pandemic, the handbook details key learnings and best practices from the clinical experience of combating the virus. It aims to share valuable insights and information with medical professionals and hospitals worldwide. In just the first five days after its publication, it was downloaded over 1.4 million times.

“We hope that, with this manual, doctors and nurses in other affected areas can learn from experience as they face this battle, without having to start from scratch,” Alibaba Group Founder Jack Ma wrote when the handbook launched.

Over 50 days of the outbreak, FAHZU admitted over 100 confirmed COVID-19 patients, without a single death, misdiagnosis, or infection of the facility’s medical personnel. The handbook covers isolation management, diagnosis, treatment, proactive measures, and rehabilitation of treating COVID-19 patients. It is one of the very first medical guidebooks that contains detailed explanations of the processes.

The translation of the Thai version of the handbook was done by volunteers. It is now available to download from the newly established Global MediXchange for Combating COVID-19, a centralized online platform established to facilitate online communication and collaboration across borders to fight the virus.

The handbook is now available in 14 languages including Thai at no cost with more to come.

On March 29, the Jack Ma Foundation and the Alibaba Foundation also announced donations of essential medical supplies to seven more countries, namely Azerbaijan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. With this announcement, the two Foundations have now donated essential medical supplies to 23 Asian countries totalling 7.4 million masks; 485,000 test kits; 100,000 sets of protective clothing along with other medical equipment.

For more news and updates from Alibaba Group, please visit AlibabaNews Thai.