An inside look at Google’s future plans

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Digital Marketing guru, Neil Patel recently wrote an indepth guide on Google’s future plans, here we condense that into a 5 minute read where you can get a taste of the full article. 

Using Google 24/7

One of the biggest changes coming is that Google want users to be unconciously using Google 24/7, whether that’s through computers, smartphones, smartwatches or home devices. Just this year I purchased a Google Home Device, and almost everyday before I leave home I ask it:

“Hey Google, is it going to rain today in XXX?” “Hey Google, how is the traffic on XXX Road?” Google is becoming a more integrated part of our life without us even realising it. 

Future generations are more likely to be hooked on Google Devices

With kids as young as 5 now owning smartphones and tablets and even Chromebooks becoming a mandatory part of school equipment, the chances of our kids becoming hooked on technology are greater than ever. The last generation to grow up without standard home broadband are now in their 30’s meaning that kids today are introduced to the internet pretty much as soon as they are born.

How can you combat tech addiction with your kids?

  • Limit the amount of time they are allowed to spend on devices
  • Have no tech hours or even days if possible for the whole family
  • Ban the use of technology during family mealtimes

People like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have openly said that they don’t allow their kids to have smart devices so we can also follow their example.

Expect Google to buy someone big in the ecommerce space

Ecommerce or online shopping is becoming more and more common each year and when we think of ecommerce, companies like Amazon immediately come to mind. Google already has a build your own website product which they could easily turn into a build your own ecommerce site product to encourage people to build their own sites instead of advertising on Amazon. Or they could look to go head to head with a platform such as Shopify.

Expect huge growth in the Google Ads platform 

Over 90% of Google’s revenue comes from Google Ads and for the first time, the 2010 digital ad spend in the US overtook traditional ad spend. What does this mean for Google? Well, wherever money is they want to be! So, it’s highly likely that Google Ads will also sotart to provide offline advertising in the near future and combining offline and online advertising correctly will enable early adopters to explode their global reach and growth beyond their wildest imaginations.

If you would like further information on Google Ads or marketing on Google then please contact [email protected] to see how we can help your company to grow.

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Gemma Purnell is a certified Google Adwords Professional & Trainer, she is also the SEO/SEM Instructor at Web Courses Bangkok. She offers one to one Adwords Consulting for small businesses in Pattaya and Bangkok and champions the Digital Marketing Brand - PDS Online.