Is Your Social Media Strategy For Your Business Wrong?


Is Your Social Media Strategy For Your Business Wrong?


You have no doubt heard of the saying ”The devil is in the details”; well this saying is critical when it comes to developing a consistent social media strategy for your business! What may seem to you as an insignificant error, or omission, could actually handicap all of the previous effort you put in to your campaign. This may leave you looking like a novice to your potential clientele.

To avoid this, you should learn about the most common mistakes that business owners make on social media platforms. Once you understand what to do, and more importantly, what not to do, you can take the necessary steps to prevent it from occurring and fix any problems that may already exist.

Below are some examples to follow to ensure that your social media strategy works for you.

Make Your Site Links Visible

There are many business pages on social media sites which have fantastic content and designs, yet no matter how hard you look, you cannot find a link to their company website. It is similar to seeking the proverbial needle in the haystack!

It is important that you make your website link clear so that any visitors who are interested in your product or service can visit your main site, and more importantly, make a purchase.

You should make sure that your site link is featured prominently and frequently, but without inundating the visitors to your page too much. Ask your self the question “Can I get to my website easily from here, without much snooping”

Don’t Forget Emails

The easiest way to reach out to your customers online is still by email. When a customer receives an email from you, they may choose to share any updates across their social media sites. Email and social sites go together. They are very effective by themselves, but together, even more so. You can add social media buttons to the body of your emails allowing the recipients to share the information at the click of a button.

Expand Your Brand Message With YouTube

YouTube is one of the most popular social platforms on the web and is visited by hundreds of thousands of people daily. Use this fact and showcase some short videos or slide shows of your business. If they are to be effective, the video must be beneficial and valuable to your customers. A good example is ”how-to” videos and guides.

The goal is to create a video that people want to like and share. If the video is being shared between people using the site, you will be getting a lot of exposure for your business. Make sure that the videos are related to your brand or product.

Keep Your Content Updated

It is likely that you have heard that ”content is king.” But, it is only king if it provides value to your audience. The end goal is that the content leads to more conversions.

Maintaining your social media page is very beneficial. Regular updates will create a human feel to your company and this can be valuable as it will encourage your audience to interact and engage with your brand. You will be creating a much more real experience for people.

This interaction will also encourage people to share your posts and updates with their connections which will give your business great exposure. This is how you will build your brand and enjoy a successful social media campaign.



PPCNSEO is an international web design and internet marketing company based in Pattaya Thailand. We work with our clients to ensure that their business is getting maximum exposure through a variety of internet channels such as social media, blog networking, online advertising and search engine optimisation.

If you feel that your business would benefit from online exposure and a social presence, please visit our website at or contact us on 038 412 067.