Digital Analytics & Predictive Analysis (1)


The main difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is the ability to track all of your marketing efforts and easily find out what is working and what isn’t.

Even with all of the tools that we have available for this process, many business owners and even digital agencies are not taking advantage of the opportunities and tools we have available these days.

What tools can we use:

One of the most popular and completely free digital analytics tools is Google Analytics, this tool enables you to track visitors to your website or app, how long they spend on each page, which pages they visit, what actions they take and much more.

A more indepth paid tool which some marketers choose to use is called Kissmetrics, where you can learn to understand your customer behaviour on a deeper level and integrate with your marketing campaigns to engage with your customers based on their behaviour.

Heat maps are an easy way to see where users spend the most time on your webpages and which links they are clicking on the most. Whereas Video analytics allows you to view your users actions in real time and compare recordings between different visitors and use your findings to make changes to your website. Popular heatmap and video analytics software includes:


Lucky Orange

Zoho PageSense

Google Data Studio allows you to take the data found in Google Analytics and present it in easy to understand visual reports which you can present to your boss or your clients.

How to analyse and make predictions

One of the most important factors in website management is analysing the data you have and finding patterns. If for example, as many businesses do, your traffic drops dramatically in December during the lead up to Christmas and this happens every year then you can use this information to plan and accommodate for this change.

You can also find times of year when traffic increases for a particular reason and which geographical location your traffic is coming from.

If you find that during the summer, you get more paid search traffic from Europe then you can adjust your marketing campaigns to capitalise on the increased search volume.

After your first two years of being in business or starting to use digital analytics tools, you should start to see repeatable patterns. These patterns enable you to map out and predict future changes in your business much more easily.

How to learn about Digital Analytics & Predictive Analysis

If you are a business owner or a professional digital marketer who would like to learn more about how advanced digital analytics and predictive analysis can help your business, you can join the only comprehensive Predictive Data Analysis training in S/E Asia on 17th & 18th March 2020. Visit to book your tickets or email [email protected] for more information.

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Gemma Purnell is a certified Google Adwords Professional & Trainer, she is also the SEO/SEM Instructor at Web Courses Bangkok. She offers one to one Adwords Consulting for small businesses in Pattaya and Bangkok and champions the Digital Marketing Brand - PDS Online.