ROSATOM and Kinetics to Construct Cyclotron Complex in Thailand


Energy Press Releases Wednesday September 20, 2017 12:54

Construct Cyclotron Complex in Thailand

Bangkok–20 Sep–TQPR Thailand

The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM (Russia) and Kinetics Corporation Ltd. (Thailand) will supply a cyclotron complex with radiochemical laboratories for the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT). Following the results of the procedure conducted by TINT, Kinetics Corporation, with its offer based on ROSATOM’s technologies, was awarded a turn-key contract.


The facility will be located at Ongkharak Nuclear Research Centre in Nakhon Nayok. With an area of more than 5400 m2, the new complex will accommodate a cyclotron and several laboratories for the production of radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear medicine and other purposes, as well as serve as a platform for R&D activities in the field of radiation technologies and innovations. The project is expected to be implemented within 3.5 years.

“Currently all the isotopes for SPECT in Thailand are imported, with some PET isotopes produced in hospitals locally in amounts that cannot satisfy the demand. Thus, the new cyclotron supplied by our Russian partners will allow Thailand to produce its own isotopes to save lives and help to boost innovations in our country”, said Dr. Somchai Uapipatanakul, Managing Director of Kinetics Corporation. According to him, the project will also drive the R&D activities in nuclear medicine, as well as in application of nuclear technologies in the different areas of industry.

The core of the complex will be a MCC-30/15 cyclotron of 30 MeV proton energy, supplied by ROSATOM. It will be utilized also to produce isotopes for PET and SPECT diagnostics. These isotopes allow determining the stage of oncological, cardiac, and neurological diseases accurately, and in many cases may be almost the only way to prescribe appropriate treatment.

“We are grateful to our Thai partners and the customer for the trust in the Russian nuclear technologies. ROSATOM has more than 70 years of expertise in innovations, including designing and manufacturing nuclear medicine solutions, with 14 radionuclide production facilities operating in Russia”, said Egor Simonov, Head of ROSATOM Southeast Asia.

For reference:

ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation is the Russian Federation national nuclear corporation that comprises of more than 350 nuclear industry companies and institutions. With over 70 years of experience in the field of nuclear technology, ROSATOM works on a global scale to provide comprehensive nuclear services that range from uranium enrichment to nuclear power plant construction as one of the global leaders in nuclear industry. ROSATOM has a strong focus on applied research and innovations and invests 4.5% of its annual revenues into R&D projects. The technologies of the Russian nuclear industry have been used to build over 120 research reactors globally.

ROSATOM Southeast Asia is a regional office of ROSATOM, established in Singapore to support the operations of the group’s subsidiaries in the region.

Kinetics Corporation Ltd. was founded in 1986 with the aim to be the one stop complete solution provider in the field of engineering and scientific equipment. Kinetics, with more than 30 years of experiences in the market, is trusted by customers in both public and private sectors. Entering into its fourth decade, Kinetics continues to strive for the best in the future to come.

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ROSATOM and Kinetics to Construct Cyclotron Complex in ThailandROSATOM and Kinetics to Construct Cyclotron Complex in Thailand

ROSATOM and Kinetics to Construct Cyclotron Complex in Thailand