Are you wasting 80 of your marketing budget


There is an old saying that 50% of marketing is a waste of money, you just need to find out which 50%…personally, I would say it is more like 80% – if you want to find out where you can save money on your online marketing campaigns, here’s where to start…

First you need to take a look at all the marketing campaigns which you have ran in the last six months. It’s easy to measure online campaigns, but traditional marketing is not so easy. In the future you can consider using a vanity url for your traditional media campaigns but for now we may just need to measure the impact of your online campaigns.

Filter the campaign statistics starting with data which has brought you the most business over the last six months and then start looking where you are spending your budget which isn’t bringing you sales.

It could be a stale Google Adwords or Facebook campaign or online banner ads which you never updated to include your latest offers. Start looking at your campaigns with a view to cut anything that isn’t bringing in sales or enquiries.

Once you have identified and cut the dross then it’s time to start looking at increasing your budget around the marketing that does work.

If you’re using Google Adwords, make sure that your budget for the most successful campaigns is large enough to capture all available impressions. In order to do this, you may need to cut your ad schedule to the hours in which people are most likely to enquire. You can determine the most profitable hours by filtering by dimensions by hour of the week and segmenting daily.

With Facebook ads or boosted posts you need to ensure that you are reaching the right audience through demographic targeting. Bad decisions in this area can lead to wasted budget.

You should also remember the frame of mind that people are in when they are using Facebook. Even though it is becoming more popular as a marketing tool for business, it is primarily a social media platform where people want to have fun and absorb information in a light hearted manner. Ads on Facebook tend to be more successful if they have a aspect of fun and of course I’m sure that I don’t need to mention how popular video is on this platform.

If you need help to save money on your online marketing on getting more business from Google Search or Social Media, you can email [email protected] for expert advice with no obligation.