Quail and pigeon bup


At Trattoria Pizzeria Toscana and its close-by sister restaurant Moom Talay, (both located just in front of Soi 6 and 7 on Pattaya beach road), you can find on offer some fantastic game bird specialities on the menu including quail and pigeon. All of the produce comes from owner Luca’s own two farms. Birds are grown organically and not in cages. This definitely makes a positive effect on the taste. Birds are also fed premium food and don’t receive antibiotics or any other chemicals, so they are an all-natural slow grown product. At Trattoria Pizzeria Toscana the preparation and cooking of the food is done in the traditional manner, just as it would have been from his part of the world, the Toscany region of Italy. At Moom Talay you can find quails cooked in Thai style too.

The Italian QuagliaLa quail is a small bird often used for food, both for its meat and for its eggs. A typical quail is round and small, about twenty centimeters in length and weighing around 100 grams. It is not synonymous with rock partidge. Quail belongs to the Phasianidae family, subfamily perdicinae, Gender Coturnix, of the coturnix Species. The binomial nomenclature of Toscana’s local quail is Coturnix coturnix L.

The quail is a migratory bird and is quite widespread. It can be found in Europe and in Asia and is only absent in the arctic and subarctic bands. In Autumn it moves to the equatorial bands and in the spring returns to its origin

The quail feeds mainly on grains, insects and sprouts. It has a number of natural predators including birds of prey, foxes, cats and snakes. The rise in the numbers of predators has lead to a reduction of the quail population.

Quail is consumered by way of eggs or meat. Consumption is gradually diminishing in italy due to the changing food habits of the average Italian. Even though it is considered as wild game it does not need to be chilled or require a marinade, but these can still be applied espceially for wild specimens. Quails are consumed usually as a whole bird. The edible part represents about 67 per cent.

The most common cooking techniques include browning and modest-brazing stewing (in the pan or casserole possibly followed by baking). Other cooking techniques include roasting in an oven or on a spit, grilling and poaching. Lookfor quail to often be served with vegetables, potatoes or grains in pasta dishes such as risotto, pasta or polenta.

Some considerations when preparing quail include noting that the bird containsa high level of purins which are unwanted items for people who suffer from gout. Cholestorel content is average. The quail meat is lean but not skinny. Meat provided with skin is not considered to not lead to an overley high level of fat intake. Quail meet is high in protein in has no carbohydrates. Total energy intake is moderate. Quail provides good access to minerals such as iron and vitaminssuch as niacin.

At Trattoria Pizzeria Toscana Quail is cooked Cacciatora style, served with row olives and polenta , roasted or charcool grilled.
Nutritional information (per 100 g of edible portion)
Edible part 67.0%
Water 65.9g 25,0g proteins
Lipids 6.8g
Cholesterol 58.0mg
Energy 161,0kcal
Sodium 40.0mg
Potassium 175.0mg
Iron 1.5 mg
Phosphorus 200,0mg
Thiamine 0.08mg
Riboflavin 0.15 mg
Niacin 7.50mg

The pigeon, (domesticated pigeon), has been one of the most common birds intraditional Italian cuisine. Already it was appreciated in the Middle Ages. The meat of the pigeon was considered a delicacy, and was used as a bargaining chip in trade negotiations.

The varieties of pigeon stem from their wild cousin, which has more dark meat and is tasty. The young pigeon or dove, reaches a weight of about three ounces and has a very tender flesh, almost white. Adult pigeons can weigh up to a pound by four weeks of age. The typical pigeon measures from 31 to 34 cm and weighs between 180 and 335 grams. It feeds mainly on cultivated and wild grain, andsupplements its diet with berries, snails, and other small invertebrates.

The female lays two eggs sporting a white shell that hatch after 16-19 days of incubation by both parents.

The pigeon is distinguished from all other birds because it is able to suck up water, while others must ingest by raising their heads.

The pigeon has very dark meat, which is particularly valuable. The distinctive flavor makes it suitable for wet preparations, where the use of strong spices or seasonings are indispensable. Pigeon meat contains a lot of protein and is low in fat. It can be cooked roasted, or boiled.

Whether wild or domestic, the pigeon meat is all the more delicious when the bird is young because the meat is more tender and tasty. From the nutritional point of view, the meat of the pigeon is characterized by a high protein content (17%) and by a limited intake of lipids (7%). It is also characterized by high amounts of iron (4.5 mg), phosphorus and potassium (essential for the proper functioning of the muscles and of the heart and for the transmission of nerve impulses) and by discrete quantities of vitamins of group B.

Since the flesh of the pigeon is not very thin, has low lipids and low fat content, for some people with digestrive tract disorders or cardiovascular problems. it may be not so easy to digest.

At Trattoria Pizzeria Toscana, pigeon is prepared as either:

1)Ragu’ di Piccione (pigeon meat souce) to be serve with home made pasta and most of the time with Pappardelle Pasta which is a home made duck or guinea fowl eggs pasta.
2) Grilled pigeon
3) Roast pigeon

100 grams of raw pigeon meat on average contains 142 calories and approximately:

  • 72 g of water
  • 17 g of protein
  • 7.5 g of lipids
  • 13 mg of calcium
  • 4.5 mg of iron
  • 25 mg of magnesium
  • 307 mg of phosphorus
  • 237 mg of potassium
  • 51 mg of sodium
  • 2.7 mg of zinc
  • 7.2 mg of vitamin C
  • 0.3 mg of thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • 0.3 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • 6.8 mg of niacin (vitamin B3 or
  • 0.5 mg of vitamin B6
  • 7 micrograms of vitamin B9 or folic acid
  • 0.47 micrograms of vitamin B12
  • 28 micrograms of vitamin A retinol eq.