


Actions that promote disease create chronic inflammation, which is correlated with just about every disease known to man and nicknamed in the medical community as “The Secret Killer” and each day we make choices about this so called “secret killer,”. For example, every food we choose to eat, every pill we take, the time we decide to go to bed, the city we choose to live in, the job we choose to have… each one contributes to chronic inflammation or helps calm it down.


So, every choice we make about our health boils down to this: Pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory.


Working 100 hours a week at a stressful job with no sleep? Pro-inflammatory.


Eating a high-carb, low-fat diet filled with grains and sugar? Pro-inflammatory.


Drinking a few beers a night? Pro-inflammatory.


Taking Fish Oil? Anti-inflammatory.


Getting 8 hours of sleep? Anti-inflammatory.


Avoiding all grains (especially gluten)? Anti-inflammatory.


Years of making pro-inflammatory choices add up to chronic inflammation…


Chronic Inflammation is like a Fire Raging inside You


Inflammation is a normal immune response in your body. It’s usually our friend. Think of it like the first responder to the scene of the injury. Pain, swelling, redness, and warmth are all signs of inflammation arriving at the site and helping your body with the healing process.


Acute inflammation is a brief inflammatory response to an injury or illness that only lasts a few days. Here are a few examples where it helps:

  • Injury (twisted ankle, broken arm)

  • Bacterial or viral infections

  • Sunburn

  • Cuts


But chronic inflammation is when things go south.

Inflammation becomes chronic when it stops being an acute response and remains a constant low-level physiological response. Think of it like starting a small camp fire meant to keep you warm that doesn’t get put out and grows into an out of control forest fire, burning 100,000 acres.


Chronic inflammation is when your body no longer has the ability to turn off the inflammatory response and it starts damaging healthy tissue in your body. It could damage the intestinal lining in your gut and cause digestive problems, it could damage the arteries in your heart and cause heart disease, or it could damage your joints and cause rheumatoid arthritis.


At that point, too many pro-inflammatory choices have created a monster.


Signs You Have Chronic Inflammation


The red flag for Chronic inflammation comes when a disease associated with it shows up, like heart disease, cancer, or autoimmune disease like MS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease or Rheumatoid Arthritis. If you already have one of these conditions, the pro-inflammatory choices have already had a profound impact in your life.


For example take Tom, a high powered executive for a fortune 500 company, working 80 hours a week for the past 15 years. He’s got three kids at home and a busy life outside of work. Lately, he’s become 30 pounds overweight and started feeling fatigued. The last few weeks he’s noticed blood and mucous in his stool and he’s worried it’s going to start affecting his ability to do his job.


Then there’s Annie, she’s a stay at home Mom with three kids, two of which are home-schooled. After long days teaching her two oldest boys, she still gets up 2-3 times a night to feed her 4-month old daughter. Not only that, but in the evenings she helps out with the youth group at Church. She’s completely exhausted, losing too much weight, and recently got diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She’s worried about being able to raise her kids.


Some of the symptoms both Tom and Annie might have seen coming earlier in life are things like:

  • Ongoing, irritating pain in the body (like the joints or muscles)

  • Allergies or asthma (especially when they keep getting worse)

  • High blood pressure or blood sugar problems

  • Ulcers and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (constipation or diarrhea)

  • Constant fatigue or lethargy

  • Skin problems or red, bloodshot eyes


If you think you have signs or symptoms of chronic inflammation, you can get testing done to find out if you’re dealing with the “secret killer.”


Ways to Test for Chronic Inflammation


There isn’t a single silver bullet test for chronic inflammation. But there are a series of tests that, coupled with your history, can give you a picture of the levels of inflammation in your body.


Here are 6 common inflammatory markers you can ask your Doctor to test for:

  • Elevated High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (HS-CRP)

  • SED Rate

  • High levels of Homocysteine

  • Elevated Ferritin in the blood

  • Elevated HDL

  • Elevated Monocytes can be a secondary indicator of inflammation

  • Elevated Blood Glucose is a leading indicator of inflammation


If the combination of these tests indicate you have signs of chronic inflammation, you need to focus on making anti-inflammatory choices from here on out.


This is life or death. Pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. The real problem with chronic inflammation is that it’s not short-term gratification. It’s easy to pick the inflammatory choices and rationalize that it’s not a big deal. But the bottom line is: these pro-inflammatory choices add up over time until one day, chronic inflammation is the reason you have IBD, or heart disease, or RA, or even the reason you’re dead.


NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are taken to alleviate pain caused by inflammation. They counteract the COX (cyclooxygenase) enzyme, which synthesizes prostaglandins which create inflammation. If prostaglandin synthesis can be blocked, pain is either eliminated or reduced.


If you would like more information on this subject or would like to make an appointment to see a doctor then please contact Phyathai Sriracha Hospital on 087 – 1000 – 0990 Email: [email protected]