Don’t be duped!


Don’t be duped!

Having been in business here for ten years now, you get to the point when you think you’ve seen it all and no-one can pull the wool over your eyes.
WRONG! Here is a sorry tale that serves as a warning to us all.
For our hardware needs we have arrangements with several distributors based in Bangkok, and even the ones we buy small components from we easily provide them with over B1,000,000 of business every year.
Imagine my surprise therefore when it was discovered that one particular distributor started to supply reconditioned hard drives ‘as new’, charging the full price but with a very much reduced warranty that was conveniently not stated on any documentation. (see photo).
When challenged their response was ‘no one else has complained’. Probably because most Thais would not have understood the label on the hard drive! These same suppliers also seemed surprised that we knew how to check online directly with the manufacturers as to find out the true warranty.
The senior management of this company has failed to reply to any of my calls and emails but I will not rest until I get some sort of explanation out of them as to how they can treat clients like this.
The lesson here is to be ever vigilant. We have of course dropped these particular suppliers who have now lost our substantial business … should anyone wish to know which suppliers to avoid please send me a private email to [email protected] and I will do my best to help!
It’s a shame that a single bad apple leaves a bad taste in ones mouth, but on the plus side we do have suppliers who really bend over backwards to meet our needs and required levels of service.
So no matter what you are buying, be sure to check that you are actually getting what you think you paid for because if we are not careful even us old timers can be duped!