TrueMove H iPhone 4 8GB Promotion



TrueMove H iPhone 4 8GB Promotion –

Pay 50% with Bt695 Installment, 0% Interest for 10 Months


TrueMove H, the leader in smart device, rolls out another irresistible promotion offering iPhone 4 8GB with half price, low installment payments of Bt695 for 10 months and 0% interest for the customers of Bt699 iSmart Package. Pay an advanced 7-monthly fee, the customers will enjoy unlimited internet and WiFi.

TrueMove H reaffirms the leadership position in smartphone by giving exceptional experience to Thais to enjoy 3G+ service by offering an opportunity to easily own iPhone4 8GB for only Bt6,950 from the normal price of Bt13,900. Enjoy the low monthly installment of only Bt695 for 10 months with 0% interest for iSmart 699 Package (free 350-minute calls and unlimited internet access) for the customer who pays an advance payment for 7 months worth Bt5,235.51.

Mr. Kittinut Tikawan, Director, Device Products Management of True Corporation Plc, said, “iPhone 4 8GB promotion comes with the most advanced iOS 6 operation system with the prominent features to captivate the lifestyle of the new generation. The smartphone features FaceTime, iMessage chat and Mr. H sticker transmission via Line. The customers can share the pictures on Facebook with seamless connection to fully respond to the customers’ preferences with high efficiency. Enjoy TrueMove H 3G+ on the strongest 850 MHz with the largest coverage in Thailand which will be compatible with 2.1 GHz frequency which will boost the network efficiency in the future to give you an unlimited boundary to express ideas and communicate on 3G network of TrueMove H with highest efficiency. The promotion kicks off from this 18 March to 31 May at True Shop nationwide. and with special promotion of 50% highest discount (device discount price and discount on monthly service fee for 7 months) at the sales representatives of TrueMove H iPhone and True Store at