Betagro Group invests Bt1.1 billion in new animal drug-free, dust-free feed factory



Betagro Group invests Bt1.1 billion in new animal drug-free, dust-free feed factory


Betagro Group has invested Bt1.1 billion in a new animal feed factory that is guaranteed to be antibiotic-free across the entire production process, and meets all applicable international standards. The 100% dust-free factory manufactures a range of feed products to meet growing domestic demand and that of the farms being operated by Betagro and its subsidiaries, taking into account the Group’s focus on food safety and quality.


Situated in Tambon Chong Sarika, Amphoe Pattananikom, Lopburi Province, the new factory became fully operational in May 2012. Its grand opening was held recently and was presided over by Vet. Yukol Lim-laemthong, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, together with management from Betagro and distinguished guests including Lopburi Province Governor, Pichet Paiboonsiri and a group of senior local officials.


Vasit Taepaisitphongse, Executive Vice President of Betagro Group, said, “According to the Thai Feed Mill Association, Thailand’s domestic demand for animal feeds is around 15 million tons per year and this figure tends to grow annually. Betagro Group has therefore invested more than Bt1.1 million baht in the new feed factory. It is designed to be free from antibiotics across the entire manufacturing process. With a production capacity of 36 billion tons per month, it meets the needs of target customers as well as farms run by Betagro and its subsidiaries, who are looking for feed products of high quality and certified safety to satisfy today’s increasingly health-conscious consumers.”


Feed products provided by this new factory are guaranteed to be free from antibiotics and other animal drugs. The production of feeds for animals such as pigs, broiler chickens, egg laying chickens and cows is strictly controlled at all stages with the use of state-of-the-art technology in compliance with the highest environmental, food safety and occupational health standards. One of these tools, the air treatment system is equipped with patented, high-performance bag filters that are able to inactivate up to 100% of airborne dust and prevent it from leaking to the outer environment.


In addition to the 30-million-baht air treatment system that can also effectively deal with odour pollution, the factory has identified environmental management practices to ensure continuous environmental quality assurance and full compliance with all regulations/indicators required by law.


“Betagro Group also plans to further improve and develop different areas of the production in order to meet the needs of local customers and rising demand within AEC. These improvements will take us to an even higher level of quality with increased competitiveness and cost saving. Additionally, our strategic approaches incorporate expanding our feed production base to meet increasing demand, especially in neighbouring countries, investing in brand building, seeking more business partnerships, and actively developing technical and professional expertise among our people,” said Vasit.


The new facility, which is the latest addition to Betagro’s nationwide network of nine feed manufacturing facilities, has been approved by Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI). The construction work started in Dec 2010 and was completed in May 2012. There is a combined production capacity of more than three million tons/year from all of its key manufacturing bases nationwide. These are ISO 9001:2008, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) certified, as well as other international standards such as ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.


All of these manufacturing facilities are free from the use of antibiotics – resulting in one of the most advanced feed factory networks ever in Asia to offer top quality and safety.