As transparent as GLASS!


As transparent as GLASS!


Google have recently announced the latest developments of their GLASS technology, a heads up display and more for the individual. Whilst not matching the capabilities of Jordi ‘s visor (Star Trek, The Next generation) it does not the less have some remarkable capabilities.


The product was first unveiled as part of a  demo at a Google launch event lat year where developers were offered early access to the device for $1,500, and Google co-founder Sergey Brin was recently spotted on New York’s subway testing the device.


Glass can be used to take pictures and record video, as well as share content directly via email or social networks. Voice commands such as “OK, Glass, take a picture” are used to control the device.


Other features appeared to include Skype-like video chats, and other related information such as weather reports and map directions and all of this information appears in a small, translucent square in the top right of the wearer’s field of vision (see photo).  It seems all menu functions are preceded with the prompt “Ok, Glass.” For example, let’s say you’re wearing the glasses. Want to take a photo of your son while you’re spinning him around in the back yard? Say “Okay, Glass, take a picture.” Want to know how to say “half pound” in Chinese while you’re pricing bok choy at a market in Shanghai? Simply say the prompt and ask “Google half pound in Chinese” and wait for the translation, which also includes audio. Want to live stream yourself on a flying trapeze? Or search photos of tiger heads before carving your ice sculpture? You get the picture. It’ll all be superimposed in the upper-right-hand-corner and it’s all just a voice command away.


Wearable technology is seen as a major growth area for hardware makers in 2013 and beyond.


In 2008, Apple patented a laser-based “head mounted display system” that it suggested could stream video from its iPod, among other features. Other patents obtained by Sony and Microsoft allow for creation of miniature displays to go over users’ eyes.


Oakley recently launched Airwave – ski goggles with built-in sensors which provide information on an in-built screen about an owner’s speed, the size of their jumps and what music they are listening to.


So all good stuff …. And just around the corner. What’s the bet this stuff will be on the shelves in time for Christmas 2013?