Bangkok Business Supplement Delivers Daily



Bangkok Business Supplement Delivers Daily

The publishers of the Bangkok Business Supplement, which first hit the streets of the capital almost a year ago, in November 2011, have a long and successful track record within the publishing and advertising industry.

High Tower Co. Ltd., the fi rm behind this monthly, glossy production, have an exclusive agreement with NewspaperDirect to distribute the Bangkok Business Supplement daily with the ‘Today’s Edition’ international newspapers from around the world. NewspaperDirect have more than 2,500 titles from 90 countries in 44 languages.

Recognising the middle to high-end demographic of the international newspaper readership, High Tower Co. Ltd. identifi ed a strong marketing opportunity to give Thai-based businesses an entrée into that demographic and so Bangkok Business Supplement was the result.

Although Bangkok Business Supplement is updated once a month, its impact as far as market penetration is concerned is daily. The Supplement is inserted free on a daily basis with the ‘Today’s Edition’ international Newspapers.

As well, Bangkok Business Supplement is delivered monthly to customers of Bangkok’s largest food delivery company, Food by Phone. Once again, this tie-up was designed to make certain the publication was viewed by people in the mid to high-end income range, the very target audience for advertisers in the Supplement.

In an effort to make doubly sure the Business Supplement is widely read, deliveries are made to a number of quality hotels and restaurants as well as major commercial outlets in Bangkok within days of each new issue being published.

With a print run of 15,000 copies per issue High Tower Co Ltd have made sure that they reach the widest possible audience, yet at the same time, making certain the publication goes into the hands of those who are most likely to be looking for or require the services or products of the Bangkok Business Supplement advertisers.

As most people are probably aware, the usual readership or ‘eyes on the page’ for a publication can be multiplied by a factor of at least two and more generally four, especially for a free production. This means from a print run of 15,000 copies, in all likelihood there is a minimum of 30,000 and – far more likely – upwards of 60,000 actual readers. For example, a single copy in a well-visited pub/restaurant or coffee shop style setting might see well over 20 or 30 readers.

Bangkok Business Supplement’s sister publication, Pattaya Business Supplement, was fi rst published two and a half years ago and it quickly gained a strong readership base within the growing Pattaya market. The Pattaya Business Supplement also has exclusive daily distribution with the ‘Today’s Edition’ international newspapers through NewspaperDirect. High Tower Co. Ltd. is also the organisation behind the very successful ‘Enjoy’ Cards.

A quite unique marketing tool, Enjoy Cards are displayed in more than 150 locations in Bangkok, as well as 175 places in Pattaya. Enjoy Cards are placed in high traffic areas such as shopping centres, hotels, restaurants and pubs. After more than six years of productions in Bangkok and Pattaya, High Tower Co Ltd bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, expertise, and consistency into two of the most vibrant marketplaces in Thailand.

For more information on the Bangkok Business Supplement (and the Pattaya edition), you can call Ben at 0846 77 43 60 (English) or Khun Ton 0818 63 38 41 (Thai).