How to grow your business with Facebook

CHIANG MAI, THAILAND - OCTOBER 21, 2014: Facebook application si
CHIANG MAI, THAILAND - OCTOBER 21, 2014: Facebook application sign in page on smartphone and facebook logo on background. Facebook is largest and most popular social networking site in the world.

Over the last few years, Facebook has grown from being simply a social media platform used to catch up with friends to a full blown business platform.

When it comes to Facebook advertising, many people are aware that they can boost a post with Facebook. However, not everyone is aware of the extensive advertising platform which is also offered.

First of all, let me explain the difference between Facebook advertising and standard search engine advertising, which although should be obvious, is often misunderstood.

When you advertise on a search engine such as Google, you are putting adverts for your business in front of people who are directly searching for that product or service so if your advertising campaign is setup correctly then you should have a good conversion rate.

When you advertise on Facebook, you are using people’s demographic profile, education, occupation, interests etc to target ads to them about products or services which they may be interested in either now or at some point in the future.

Some of the ad targeting options in Facebook include:

Demographics, you can target ads to people based on their location, age, gender, relationship status, languages they speak, financial status, home owner status, parental status, generation and recent life events such as new job, newly wed and much more.

Interests, including the industry they work in, the type of entertainment they like, exercise preferences, food & drink, hobbies & fashion.

Behaviours, such as the type of vehicles they buy, cars or motorcycles and whether they are new or used, their digital activities, travel habits, purchase behavior.

You can target people who like your Facebook page and friends of people who like your page, people who used your app and friends of people who used your app, people who are going to your event and friends of people who are going to your event.

There is also the option to remarket to people who visited your website, custom lists of emails you have collected or custom lists of phone numbers you have collected.

Although this sounds easy, the last option for emails and phone numbers can only be used for remarketing if the email or phone number is connected to the persons Facebook account.

Facebook advertising is a great way to extend the reach of your brand visibility and if done correctly, should lead to an increase in sales. You do need to remember that your sales conversion rate will be much lower than any direct advertising you do to people who are actively searching for your product.