Marketing Your Business During Covid-19


Just a few months ago on January 1st we were all celebrating the new decade and planning the amazing things we were going to do this year. Yet, just a few months down the line and we are all in survival mode with some business struggling to sink or swim.

No matter how desperate things may seem right now, this too will pass. Nothing stays the same forever and no matter how gloomy the outlook may seem there are things that you can be doing to market your business and protect your brand, even if you have closed up shop for now due to the health and safety restrictions.

Branded items have always been a great way to keep your business name as the centre of attention and now printing companies are even offering branded face masks to give away to your customers. Keeping them safe and with your name at the forefront of their mind. Check out Thai T-Shirt Warehouse to order branded masks or other items, produced in Thailand and delivered worldwide.

Promoting your business, services and products on Social Media platforms is free. If you don’t have a Facebook and Instagram account, open one now and start reaching out to your potential customers completely free of charge. Most small business owners have a Facebook page but many are missing out on Instagram, particularly if you have a visual product Instagram is a great way to showcase your offers.

If you have had to close your business temporarily due to local health and safety restrictions, you may well have extra time on your hands and can use that to improve the general online presence of your business such as your website. If there is any possibility of moving your business online then an e-commerce website can be setup within just a few days. Now is not the time for perfection it is the time for survival and making sure that your business is one that not only survives but thrives when these challenging times are over.

PDS Consulting can offer advice and support for any business wanting to improve their online presence. Whether it’s moving your business from bricks & mortar to online or help with managing your team remotely. We have the experience and expertise to help you move forward and keep your business in business. Contact us today by sending an email to for more information or a free consultation.