The CES 2016 show


The CES 2016 show

(Consumer Electronics Show) takes place in early January every year, and here is an overview to some of the amazing stuff that was on display.

There was a lot of TV tech around again this year. Television technology made progress at both the high and low ends at the Consumer Electronics Show. LG unveiled a new version of its OLED 4K TV, which consistently wins accolades for more accurately showing dark scenes than traditional LCD screens. This year’s top LG, called the G6, can make its pixels significantly brighter than last year’s model, meaning more lifelike images. It is also the first to support both Dolby Vision and HDR10, which refers to high-dynamic range video.

Exact pricing on this spare-no-expense set will come later in the year, but it is replacing a model that currently sells for $6,000 (B215,000) at retail. On the other end of the price spectrum, a standout came from up-and-coming Chinese maker Hisense. In April, the H8, a 55-inch 4K TV with some limited HDR content support will sell for $700 (B25,000).

Still on the topic of screens, LG  showed a prototype of a “rollable” display. The 18-inch sheet of acetate-like film, which displayed a glimmering city night view, was capable of rolling up like a newspaper.


While its rollable display is years from commercialization LG Display is hoping to spark ideas for how the technology could be used by device makers. LG Display has sold its panels to Apple Inc. and Chinese handset makers, as well as to affiliates such as LG Electronics.

Samsung released a curved-screen version of its Galaxy Note smartphone in a limited run in late 2014. But that device, like the well-received Galaxy S6 Edge it released last year, employed screens that, while curved, aren’t flexible.

Other innovations on show includes a HP Elite Book Folio G1 running Windows 10 that is thinner than an Apple Macbook, an alarm clock that wakes you up with smells, rather than a noise!

First Response pregnancy testing kit brings a whole new helping hand to finding out if you are pregnant. First Response says it is the first-ever connected pregnancy test, and it works just like any other, except you’ll want your smartphone. Download First Response’s iOS or Android app, then connect the stick via Bluetooth. You’ll be walked through the pregnancy test process. It tells you when your sample has been recognized, and entertains you during the three-minute waiting period. When time’s up, your smartphone will give you the good…or bad…news. When you launch the app, you tell it if you’re hoping to be pregnant or not. Based on your input, it will feed you information on next steps when you get the result. If the results are positive, it will suggest that you see a doctor.

Another gadget you can’t live without is the Oombrella – a smart umbrella. Not only does it act as a personal weather station and send you severe weather alerts in your vicinity, but it also send a reminder to your smart phone is you leave it behind in a restaurant etc. Finally the Oombrellas can network together to share information within your neighbourhood. Invaluable eh?

What with PETCHATZ, a 2 way video conferencing system for your pet, and BARTESIAN, a connected cocktail maker, CES really does offer something for everyone!

Now, what shall I buy first ……