Online broadband speed tripled by True


Online broadband speed tripled by True

True Corporation is looking to really try and dominate the domestic online broadband market. Recognising that good service, fair pricing, and fast broadband speeds are the three main ingredients to customer satisfaction, and loyalty, True has now set its minimum broadband speed at 30 megabits per second (Mbps) for 2014. This is three times above its advertising level of 10 megabits per second.

According to the chief commercial officer of True Online, the average standard speed of its fixed-line broadband service will be 30 Mbps. True says it has expanded into 66 of the nation’s provinces and reaches into 4.4 million households.

True has recognized that many households access the Internet via up to three types of devices. The first, of course, is the standard desktop or laptop personal computer. The two other Internet-connecting devices are tablets or smartphones, with the latter almost certainly becoming more and more ubiquitous.

The spread of connectivity even permeates as far as far-flung rural areas where television used to be the most modern of technological conveniences.

With ever-increasing demand, True Corporation realizes it can afford to offer some very attractive packages for consumers, including always-on Internet access and Pay-TV services for less than 1,000 baht per month.

True has been offering a 12 Mbps fixed-line broadband Internet and Pay-TV package for 799 baht a month and its chief commercial officer says he expects to have 2.2 million subscribers by the end of this year. That will represent a 10 percent increase in customer numbers from 2013.

Currently True claims to have 65 percent of the market share of Internet users in Thailand. According to reports, the number of users stands at a quite massive 30 million people, up from 23 million last year.

In 2013, True Corporation earned 14 billion baht from its broadband services and it is expecting this will jump by around 21 percent for this year, a significant growth.

For the long-term future, True Corporation sees itself as a next-generation Internet network service provider under what is called a gigabit network. This basically means that every part of the gigabit network must be gigabit-capable. The minimum speed for such a network is 1.6 gigabits per second (Gbps). This equates to what might be considered a currently phenomenal speed of 1,600 megabits per second, which, obviously, is ‘light years’ away from the present 30 megabits per second True is presently offering.

The maximum speed for a gigabit network is 10 Gbps, or 10,000 megabits per second. These are connection speeds which no Internet user based in Thailand can possibly imagine at present, but is likely to be a reality within a few years. And True aims to be the ‘go-to’ provider of such exceptional speeds.