Newspapers…Direct to the palm of your hand



Newspapers…Direct to the palm of your hand

Despite the fact a huge number of people are able to access their daily newspaper online, it’s quite amazing just how many still like the ‘feel’ of a printed publication. Digital marketers would argue the demographic for those who want a more tactile experience belong in what they would term the ‘older’ consumer bracket, but when it comes to professional and business people, the numbers who still like to leaf through a newspaper while maybe sipping their morning coffee cover most age demographics.

Proof of this is readily to hand, as it were, with the vibrant strength of the Newspaper Direct brand, which inked an agreement at the start of December last year with Fernost Presse Service (FPS) to be the latter company’s exclusive distributor of all their publications in Thailand.

FPS distribute German and French newspapers and magazines and Newspaper Direct is now able to offer such titles as Bild, Bild am Sonntag, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Die Welt. Bild is the second-highest circulation newspaper in the world.

On the German magazine front, such titles as Der Speigel, Focus, AutoBild, SportBild, Bunte, Stern and many others are now available. Newspaper Direct notes that 16,000 original hard copies of Der Spiegel are sold each year across Thailand.

Major French magazine titles now available from Newspaper Direct include Elle, L’Express, Paris Match, Le Point and a host of others.

Newspaper Direct has been the world leader in multi-channel and magazine content distribution since 1999 and now offers more than 2,000 titles from across the world.

The print-on-demand model performs well because it allows so-called out-of-market hard copies of newspapers and magazines to flow into an alternative marketplace, helping publishers reach a larger audience. At the same time, popular newspapers among expatriates, while often available to be read online, are also extremely well sourced because people still like the physical publication, often taking time to savour the contents rather than simply flitter from headline to headline as the trend usually is with an online newspaper or magazine.

For local residents, Newspaper Direct publications also come with an added bonus: the monthly Pattaya Business Supplement, as a daily insert.

Newspapers from around the world, in almost any language, and all with Free delivery to anywhere in the Pattaya and Jomtien area. It should be noticeable that most of the high-end and mid-range hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, and other places where groups of expats tend to gather, that Newspaper Direct publications are readily and regularly available. The people running these establishments understand their demographic and are willing to speculate to accumulate. That is, they are willing to spend a bit of money to make sure they have a number of popular publications available, day by day, knowing they can attract customers who will want to spend time going through these offerings. While they are doing this they tend to order maybe one more coffee or tea, or perhaps something extra to eat. If only a small percentage of those who read the publications do this, the business has covered their outlay to Newspaper Direct and probably made that little extra profit overall.

For more information, contact Newspaper Direct in Pattaya: phone 038 716 062 or, email: [email protected]