Make a Healthy Start to the New Year


Make a Healthy Start to the New Year

As we’ve just celebrated the start of 2014, many of us make New Year resolutions, in particular to lose weight and get fitter for a healthier lifestyle. If you are like most people then by the end of January all these good intentions have unfortunately fell by the wayside for one reason or another! However, recent trends show that people are generally making more of an effort to improve their health. A great way to kick of the New Year would be by having a full health check up. Reasonably priced health checkups are readily available in Thailand and in most cases you can receive your results on the same day you have your health check. Your results can be copied onto your own personal cd for your convenience as it’s really useful in having a mobile record of your present state of health while staying in Thailand or even when returning to your home country.

Regular checkups are a valuable tool in maintaining good health. Taking proper care of your health at the right time can prevent a lot of problems in the future. The main aim of a health checkup is to detect illness at an early stage, or better prevent illness occurring in the first place. In adults up to 40 years, a check up every 2 years is appropriate. Adults over 40 should have a check up every year. Health checks should not be reserved for when you are feeling unwell – they are a great way of ensuring your general health is maintained.

You can choose your own program to suit your age and individual needs, however the core of every check up test should include: chest X ray, electrocardiogram, complete blood count (white, red blood cells and platelet count), blood sugar for diabetes, cholesterol, urine examination, and liver & kidney function tests.

To prepare for your health check up get a good night’s sleep the night before and stop all food and drink from between 8 – 10 hours before your tests as the sugar level in your blood can give an inaccurate result on your blood sugar and cholesterol blood tests. Phyathai Sriracha Hospital health check up center provides advice on a full range of health check up programs. The center is open from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm seven days a week including all holidays.


The following health check up promotion is available at Phyathai Sriracha Hospital for the month of February 2013 for the special price of only 3,990 THB and includes the following tests:

  • Physical examination

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

  • Visual acuity

  • Short & long sight

  • Chest x ray

  • Electrocardiogram

  • CT calcium scoring (heart scan)

  • Urine examination

  • Complete blood count

  • Fasting Blood Sugar (diabetes)

  • Cholesterol

  • Triglyceride

  • HDL (good cholesterol)

  • LDL (bad cholesterol)

  • Kidney function test

  • Liver function test

  • Uric acid (gout arthritis)

  • Consultation with doctor to go over your results

  • Full check up report

To make an appointment or for more information or on February’s special check up promotions please contact Gavin on direct line no: 66 (0)89-7500293 Email: [email protected]