Hotel Muse Orchestrates The Rebirth of Live Blues and Jazz in Bangkok


Hotel Muse Orchestrates The Rebirth of Live Blues and Jazz in Bangkok

Hotel Muse ushers in a new golden era of scintillating live blues and jazz performers, bringing a Blues Age rediscovery to Bangkok and seating it firmly in Langsuan.

Beginning on Thursday 17 October, Medici Kitchen & Bar at the incomparable Hotel Muse Bangkok will become a virtuoso force in bringing top international blues, live jazz, Chicago blues and soul music to Bangkok. Amidst the deep, dark, candlelit basement, “The Blues Age Revival in Langsuan” presents a carefully selected roster of renowned performers who will augment the fittingly toneful woods and hues of Medici’s opulent ambiance and patter of conversation.

The opening night of “The Blues Age Revival in Langsuan” sees real-deal blues cats, Danny California Blues All Stars Band, flexing its 100 years of combined blues experience to bring a raucous blues-rock performance exclusively for Medici guests. “The best group of blues musicians you’ve never heard of” will offer an extraordinary foray into the world of impro-blues and road-worn 12-bar blues classics. The band will perform every Thursday night from October 17 until December 26, from 9.30 pm to 1am.

Every Friday and Saturday starting on Friday 18 October, blues legend Derrick “Big” Walker will headline of “The Blues Age Revival in Langsuan”, with scintillating and totally authentic performances by this Oklahoma showman. Famed for touring with Albert Collins and Luther Tucker, and backing such acts as Sonny Roads, Walker brings a home-grown touch of blues magic to Asia, following extensive touring in Scandinavia and Central Europe.

Medici guests can enjoy superb imported cheeses and cold cut tapas platters, Prosecco at 150 Baht ++ per glass, red and white wines at 150 Baht ++ per glass, and Prosecco bottles for just 750 Baht ++. Get set for some edgy, guttural and totally fascinating blues performances starting in October, with further exciting programme events to be announced shortly.

To RSVP or to make a reservation, please call +66 (0) 2 630 4000.