Jetstar Asia achieves international operational safety audit registration



Jetstar Asia achieves international operational safety audit registration



Registration confirms adherence to more than 900 standards and practices

Reflects carrier’s commitment to comply with industry best practice

Observance to highest standard of operational safety management

Jetstar Asia has been registered under the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). The IOSA Programme is internationally recognised for its safety evaluation system, designed to assess the operational management and control of safety standards within an airline. The Programme helps airlines improve operations and reduce the number of operational audits that are conducted. Compliance with IOSA standards and recommended practices helps an airline deliver operational safety in all key areas. Jetstar Asia cleared more than 900 standards and recommended practices outlined in the programme.

The audit was carried out by an IATA approved organization and covers eight areas of operational safety, including corporate organisation and management systems; flight operations; operational control – flight despatch; aircraft engineering and maintenance; cargo operations; operational security; cabin operations; and ground handling.

Jetstar Asia CEO, Mr Barathan Pasupathi said, “We are extremely proud of having entered in the IATA registry as an IOSA Registered Operator.”

“Being IOSA registered means that Jetstar has adhered to internationally-recognised standards. Jetstar can now do away with duplicate audits when entering a wide range of shared commercial agreements with existing or new code-share partners.”

“Being on the IOSA registry reflects Jetstar’s continuing commitment and investment in adopting industry leading safety practices,” he said.

IATA’s Regional Vice President, Asia Pacific, Maunu von Lueders said, “Safety is the industry’s number one priority and IOSA is one of IATA’s main programs to raise the bar on safety.

I congratulate Jetstar Asia on joining the IOSA registry and commend them on their commitment to operate to the highest standard of global best practice for operational safety management.”