J.S. United Launches Japan’s Innovative Hirakawa Cool Gelmat



J.S. United Launches Japan’s Innovative Hirakawa Cool Gelmat


J.S. United Co.,Ltd, the sole distributor of Hirakawa products from Japan recently introduced “Hirakawa Cool Gelmat”, an innovative product from Japan that enables users to sleep comfortably without air conditioning. The Cool Gelmat has been introduced to Thailand as a way of reducing energy usage, cutting down household electricity bills and national electricity consumption and also brings better night sleep for better health.

Developed as an environmentally friendly sleeping mat that cools down the body and allows a comfortable night’s sleep without the use of an air conditioner, the Hirakawa product is being imported and distributed in Thailand by J.S. United Co Ltd.

President of J.S. United Masazumi Obata says that J.S. United is launching the Cool Gelmat in Thailand as the hot season begins, believing that Thai users will see immediate benefits for themselves as well as making a contribution to reducing national energy use. The current national campaign in Thailand is similar to what happened in Japan in the last 2 years when the government had been calling all residents to change behaviour on consuming energy in reaction to the aftermath of the disaster in March 2011, when following the shutdown of the Fukushima power plant.

Obata further added “With the national energy saving campaign in Japan, Hirakawa Cool Gelmat became immensely popular. Japanese could help support the campaign and reduce electricity consumption. Hence, we are confident that Thai users will find similar comfort in usage, and savings in their electricity bills.

Hirakawa Cool Gelmat had been launched in 2008 and was already proven as a product that helped reduce household power consumption. The product soared up to its highest sale volume at 1,500,000 sheets in 2011, the national energy saving campaign year.

Saravut Udomtham, managing director of J.S. United says that Thai people mostly sleep at night in the air conditioning room and it is already known that air conditioners are a major consumer of electrical power and that reducing their use can significantly cut down on national energy expenditure and dramatically reduce household electricity bills. We are confidence that Hirakawa Cool Gelmat providing coolness from its innovative quality gel will contribute Thai people to reduce using air conditioner.

He adds about energy saving from using the Cool Gelmat that Thailand is located in tropical area where the summer season takes longer time than Japan. Even the winter in Thailand, the weather is not cold as much. The Hirakawa Cool Gemat hence can be used throughout the year. In hot season, we can set the air conditioner temperature at two degrees higher to save electricity cost. In rainy season, the air conditioner can be turn on for 1-2 hours to make the room cool, then, turn off and simply lay down on the cool gel mat. And in winter season, just use the fan to blow the mat and it will absorb the coolness easily.

The Hirakawa Cool Gelmat is using quality gel and each section of the nylon fabric is firmly crimped to prevent the gel from running and to distribute coolness evenly. There is no necessity to keep the cool gelmat in the refrigerator. Just keep it in the room temperature and lay down on the mat, so that heat absorbed from the body can be released quickly from the mat making the body have a lower temperature, comfortable sleep and better health.

“Apart from reducing the sleep with an air-conditioner, the Cool Gelmat laying down on the pillow will also bring a better night’s sleep, and according to the Oriental culture there exists the saying “head cold, feet hot”. This condition of sleep will help more tight sleep at night and result in better health.” added Saravut

“Regarding to the marketing strategy for Hirakawa Cool Gelmat, J.S United will promote the quality of product in terms of energy saving which is currently under the public interest and also increase distribution channels including using online and social media. The company set the sale volume of the product at 20,000 sheets in 2013.

Hirakawa Cool Gelmat is currently distributed by J.S. United Co.,Ltd. and on sale at all branches of major department stores. The Cool Gelmat for the mattress at 90×90 cms is 3,290 baht and 4,290 for 140×90 cms. The one for pillows at 40×30 cms is at 1,090 baht. For more information, please contact J.S. United Co.,Ltd. at Tel. 662-716-5305-7 Fax. 662-716-5308 website: www.hirakawathailand.com facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HirakawaThailand