VMware Kicks Off 2013 With Predictions for Cloud Computing in Thailand



VMware Kicks Off 2013 With Predictions for Cloud Computing in Thailand


Information Technology Press Releases Monday January 21, 2013

Bangkok–21 Jan–PR One Net

Evolving role of the CIO, Software-Defined Datacenter, and mobile computing to transform the IT and business

VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure, expects 2013 to be a year of transformation for businesses in Thailand.

“Companies are increasingly recognizing the strategic role that cloud computing can play in enabling them to be more productive, stay competitive, and enter new markets,” said Dr. Chawapol Jariyawiroj, country manager of Thailand and IndoChina, VMware. “We expect the adaptability of CIOs, virtualization of business critical applications, emergence of the Software-Defined Datacenter, mobility, and lastly SMB uptake to drive cloud adoption at scale and make 2013 a year of transformation for IT and businesses.”

Strong Cloud Adoption Curve Lies Ahead for Thailand

Investing in cloud computing in Thailand is seen as a means to enhancing their ability and gaining competitive advantage in an increasingly challenging macro-economic environment. Specifically, Thai respondents agreed that cloud computing will enable their organization to compete more effectively in the marketplace (83%), and that if their company does not pursue cloud initiatives, they risk falling behind their competitors (68%).

The VMware Cloud Index 2012 indicates clear progress and a new era of IT transformation in Thailand as more than half of Thai respondents planning to adopt cloud computing are projected to do so within the next 18 months. When the top reasons for implementing cloud computing in Thailand, respondents strongly rated the need to empower the business by simplifying access to IT resources (80%); the ability to optimize their existing IT management and automation capabilities (78%); and the desire only pay for the IT the business actually uses (76%). A summary of the study is available for download at www.vmware.com/ap/cloudindex.